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3 Exercises For Mental Health.

1.- In the first exercise we're going to work on priorities, "Happiness Begins With Gratitude" I'm sure you heard that before, it's time to internalize it, meaning that for this exercise I need you to focus on the 5 most important people in your life, but like really think about the people that mean the most to you, your wife, your sister, your mom. Close your eyes and think about how you would feel if today you achieved one of your biggest goals like your business made a lot of money, you bought your dream car, you bought a mansion, your glory days and now think how you feel if that same day you found out that one that your spouse got in a car accident, but really visualize you achieving this milestone and then receiving this news. Nothing in the world would make you feel better till you know that your spouse is okay, nothing would matter if they weren't. Life is about the perspective you have, on tough days try this exercise will help a ton. My mentality is my family is safe anything else I can conquer.

2.- At some point in your life, you might have bought someones else idea of happiness people have this crazy idea, this age married, or a house, at this age a degree and we do this because we have always done this, you might unconsciously adopt someone's idea of happiness. In the following exercise, I want you to daydream or write on a piece of paper whatever you enjoy now and what would you want in the future. Think how do I want my life to look like 10 years from now? but think about what makes you happy maybe you don't want a big house, maybe you don't want to live in the city, maybe your dream is to have a job that involves tools, or maybe you love horses. I just want you to focus on yourself, what makes you tick. Life can be overwhelming sometimes we don't have time for ourselves with so much happening, It's time to reinvent yourself what are you chasing? what are your current goals? what do you want out of life? Sometimes a lack of motivation might be just a lack of direction.

3.- Probably one of the most crucial mistakes that people make is comparing themselves to other people, we all do it, but it's not good for our mental health we continuously put ourselves down by doing this. Let's walk through a hypothetical scenario, you're in traffic the cars are moving and stopping then you feel like someone is looking at you, you turn to see the driver next to you and is a middle-aged man, with a suit and driving a nice car and you start thinking 'oh man I wish I had that car, I bet he has a very beautiful wife as well'' without knowing one single thing about this individual you assumed that his life because of his nice car. With knowing nothing of this person you felt beneath them, we might have adopted the habits of people around us or created for ourselves. We don't know if this person just got divorced and lost millions, we don't know if his family is well, and most importantly we don't know if they are happy, we all know that money is not equal happiness, so when you catch yourself comparing stop the breaks and go back to exercise number 1.

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